Talking to Your Kids About Jesus

Helping children take their first steps toward faith is a rewarding journey filled with teachable moments. Parents and teachers can guide them by answering questions, teaching biblical truths, modeling Christian values, and sharing personal testimonies.

Tips for Talking About Salvation:

Ask follow-up questions
Clarify what the child is asking by saying, “What made you ask that?” or “Tell me more about what you’re thinking.” Avoid yes/no questions.
Keep It Simple
Only answer what they’re asking and avoid overloading them with information.
Don't Assume
A question like, “Why did Andy get baptized?” may just be curiosity, not a request for the gospel.
Use clear, simple words
Instead of “accept Jesus into your heart,” say “become a Christian.”

Explaining God’s Plan for Salvation:

  1. God loves you (Psalm 139:13-16): God made you and wants a relationship with you. Ask, “How do you know God loves you?”
  2. We have all sinned (Romans 3:23): Sin is choosing our way over God’s. Ask, “Have you sinned? What does God think about sin?”
  3. God offers forgiveness (Romans 5:8): Explain that God loves us even when we sin. Ask, “Do you know who the Savior is? Did you know He died for you?”
  4. Jesus died for us (John 3:16): Explain that Jesus died to save us from sin. Ask, “Do you know why Jesus died?” Share that Jesus rose from the dead so we can have eternal life.
  5. Becoming a Christian (Romans 10:9): Explain confessing Jesus as Savior and believing in Him. Ask, “Would you like to become a Christian?”

Next Steps

  • Review what the child understands and believes.
  • Help them pray, admitting their sin, believing in Jesus, and confessing Him as Savior.
  • Share Romans 10:13 as a promise: Jesus will be their Savior forever.

About Baptism

  • Emphasize that baptism follows becoming a Christian; it’s a way to show their faith.
  • Avoid focusing on the emotional or public recognition aspect of baptism.
If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to our Children’s Ministry Director at or call 910-500-7615.