The Student ministry at Coastal exists to equip teenagers to understand who God is, know His purpose for their lives, teach them to study the Bible, and know how to defend their faith. It is our desire that each student become a life-long disciple of Jesus and strive to make other disciples along the way. We strive to ensure that each student knows they are welcome and they belong here.


First order of business: fun!
We begin with about 30 minutes of just hanging out and having fun.  Our snack shop is also open during
this time.  Everything is a $1 or less. 
We then go into a time of worship and teaching where we worship God and grow in our knowledge of Him.
We end our night with small groups to share challenges and dig deeper while discussing the message.
The last Wednesday of each month, we have a special event that may include a movie night, a cookout, or another themed night. 

What are you waiting for?


7th - 12th Grade Students

Wednesday Nights | 6:30PM - 8:15PM

Location: Student Pavilion

More Info

Who can come?
Coastal Students is open to any student from 7th - 12th grade. Our gatherings are focused on building relationships, studying God’s Word, and providing a break from everyday stressors.
What do I wear?
Casual modest dress is welcome.
What do I bring?
Bring your Bible, some money for snacks if you’d like and a desire to grow and learn.
Can I bring a friend?
Absolutely! We know a first visit can be a bit intimidating, so feel free to bring a friend with you. We strive to make every student feel welcome but we know that a friend can help things along as well.
Do I Have to Attend Coastal?
No, all are welcome whether Coastal is your church home
or not.